雖然跟Ruby bit名字很像,但是內容的確比較進階點。
two ways for storing blocks
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| my_proc = Proc.new do puts "tweet" end my_proc.call
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| my_proc = Proc.new { puts "tweet" } my_proc.call
使用lambda來儲存又稱為static lambda。
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| my_proc = lambda { puts "tweet" } my_proc.call
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| my_proc = -> { puts "tweet" } my_proc.call
block to lambda
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| class Tweet def post if authenticate?(@user, @password) yield else raise 'Auth Error' end end end
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| tweet = Tweet.new('Ruby Bits!') tweet.post { puts "Sent!" }
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| class Tweet def post(success) if authenticate?(@user, @password) success.call else raise 'Auth Error' end end end
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| tweet = Tweet.new('Ruby Bits!') success = -> { puts "Sent!" } tweet.post(success)
multiple lambdas
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| class Tweet def post(success, error) if authenticate?(@uerser, @password) success.call else error.call end end end
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| tweet = Tweet.new('Ruby Bits!') success = -> { puts "Sent!" } error = -> { raise 'Auth Error' } tweet.post(success, error)
Using the ampersand
1.Calling a method with & in front of a parameter
turn a proc into block
2.Defining a method with & in front of a parameter
turns a block into a proc so it can be assigned to parameter
example 1:
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| printer = lambda { |tweet| puts tweet } tweets.each (printer) (
這樣會出現錯誤,因為each expects a block, not a proc.
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| printer = lambda { |tweet| puts tweet } tweets.each(&printer)
turns proc into block
example 2:
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| class Timeline attr_accessor :tweets def each(&block) tweets.each(&block) end end
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| timeline = Timeline.new(tweets) timeline.each do |tweet| puts tweet end
symbol to Proc